Scope, Cost & Time dependencies

Technical Advisory

For new projects in the early stages, existing projects in distress or specific areas of concern and new or existing projects where supplementary ad-hoc advice is necessary to support and maintain progress.

Leveraging our deep understanding and experience of design, delivery and operation of MEP Services we are able to provide;

  • Initial concept / feasibility studies
  • Investigatory / Peer reviews
  • Supplementary / Ad-hoc technical support on projects

We have a wealth of expertise and experience that can support projects at all stages to get the very best possible outcomes.

Concept / Feasibility Studies

To give the project the very best start from a technical perspective and remove many of the uncertainties and risks at the beginning is the key to a successful project.

Using our extensive technical expertise and experience we are able to review employers requirements at the highest level to suit the employers first stage budget and provide quality feasibility studies outlining key indicators on;

  • Scope
  • Cost
  • Time

to enable an informed decision to be made on;

  • Business case to proceed with project
  • Preferred solutions
Investigatory / Peer reviews

Often employers will have a concern that services, solutions and installations are not being delivered as expected.

Using our extensive technical expertise and experience we are able to conduct deep dive reviews on areas of concern and report back to the client with clear conclusions and recommendations on any changes that might benefit the project or installation moving forward.

We have completed many peer reviews of other consultant work, which is always conducted in a respectful and constructive manner and normally well received by both client and consultant alike.

Supplementary / Ad-hoc technical support on projects

Some projects just need technical expertise and experience from time to time to provide support as necessary on a consultant basis. Being available to provide advice and support on specific issues as they arise.

We are sufficiently flexible to provide this type of ad-hoc advisory work. Reliable advisors who are there when you need them are hard to find and highly valued, and we excel in this environment.

See Technical Advisory projects we have delivered